The WebIssues Client Manual
Desktop client for the WebIssues system

Administering the server

Administering users

There are three types of users: regular users, server administrators and disabled users. Regular users can access projects according to their membership. Users with server administrator access are automatically administrators of all projects. In addition they can create new projects and rename and delete existing projects, create and modify users and edit issue types and their attributes. Disabled users cannot access the server at all.

To open the Users Window, go to the Main Window and select ToolsUser Accounts. Everyone can view the list of users, but only the server administrators can add, rename and change the password and access rights of the users.

To add a new user, select UsersAdd User and enter the login, name and password. The login is a unique identifier of the user and the name is the display name of the user.

To rename a user, use the EditRename command. To change the access level of a user, use the EditChange Access command or a double click. To set a new password for a user, use the EditChange Password command.

Editing issue types and attributes

After installing a new server, there are some predefined types of issues. You can modify these types, create your own ones or even delete the predefined ones and create a completely different set of types and attributes.

To open the Types Window, go to the Main Window and select ToolsIssue Types. Everyone can view the existing types, but only the server administrators can modify them and create new types.

To create a new type of issue, select TypesAdd Type. Once the issue type is created, project administrators can create folders of this type.

To rename a type, use the EditRename command. To delete a type with all its attributes, use the EditDelete command.

To add an attribute to an issue, select TypesAdd Attribute. Then enter the name and select the type of the attribute. You can also set other details like the maximum length or the minimum and maximum numeric value, specify if the attribute is required and what is the default value for new issues.

To rename an attribute, use the EditRename command. To change the definition of an attribute, use the EditModify Attribute command or a double click. To delete the attribute, use the EditDelete command.

Creating and editing projects

To create a new project, go to the Main Window, select ProjectsAdd Project and enter the name of the project. To rename a project, use the EditRename command. To delete a project, use the EditDelete command.